Recent snippets Explore
3D Blob Shadow
A rigid shadow that helps shows your player's position, no shader required!
Easy Sound Effects
A simple node + resource to play sound effects from code
ALT-Enter fullscreen toggle
Make your game fullscreen toggleable by reacting to ALT+Enter
Basic Flocking (GPU Version)
Casual Garage Coder
Flocks of boids with basic behavior with basic obstacle avoidance
Serializable class
Class allowing to save typed variables in json text or bin formats
Basic Flocking (CPU version)
Casual Garage Coder
Flock of boids with basic behavior and spheres avoidance
RTS Camera 2D
Provides a configurable basic RTS Camera 2D that supports zooming and panning.
Basic RTS camera3D
a very basic camera3D controller for 3rd person cameras
Auto-Updating CollisionPolygon2D
Keith Jones
Procedural Vegetation using L-System
Casual Garage Coder
Using a stochastic L-System, we can generate simple vegetation consisting in branches and leaves
Recent shaders Explore
Cubic Bezier Curve Mesh Deformation
Casual Garage Coder
Specialized shader that deforms a mesh based on a cubic Bézier curve.
Color by Instance
Casual Garage Coder
Simple colorization by instance identifier
Greyscale Shader WITH modulate
Saltlight Studio
This is a somewhat simple shader for greyscaling sprites, except with modulate and self-modulate still working
Procedural Slash
A shader effect for procedurally creating sword slashes and the like.
3D Anime flame
Casual Garage Coder
A shader that creates a magical anime fire effect
Canvas item
Palette swap
A shader that swaps colors
Canvas item
Simple quantization
Reduces the range of possible colours a pixel can take
Recent articles Explore
Basic state machine
This article shows you how to implement a basic state machine in GDScript.
A glance at Compute Shaders
Casual Garage Coder
Compute shader is a great way to use all the advantage of GPU, but one need to harness that power.
Stochastic L-System Resource
Casual Garage Coder
Procedural generation could make a good use of L-System. Let's dive into it.
Publish your game on Linux with Flathub
Casual Garage Coder
Flathub is a great publication platform for Linux applications. Here is an introduction to how you can publish your game using Flathub.
Set a project-wide custom theme
Save yourself the trouble of having dozens of manually specified themes and LabelSettings resources scattered across your project.
Smoothing with expDecay instead of lerp()
Many developers use lerp() in a way that is not frame rate independent. Learn how to use expDecay as an alternative.