Recent snippets
First-person camera controls
first person FPS camera controls using Basis with mouse sensitivity split into X and Y axis
3D Blob Shadow
A rigid shadow that helps shows your player's position, no shader required!
Easy Sound Effects
A simple node + resource to play sound effects from code
ALT-Enter fullscreen toggle
Make your game fullscreen toggleable by reacting to ALT+Enter
Basic Flocking (GPU Version)
Casual Garage Coder
Flocks of boids with basic behavior with basic obstacle avoidance
Serializable class
Class allowing to save typed variables in json text or bin formats
Basic Flocking (CPU version)
Casual Garage Coder
Flock of boids with basic behavior and spheres avoidance
RTS Camera 2D
Provides a configurable basic RTS Camera 2D that supports zooming and panning.
Basic RTS camera3D
a very basic camera3D controller for 3rd person cameras
Auto-Updating CollisionPolygon2D
Keith Jones
Procedural Vegetation using L-System
Casual Garage Coder
Using a stochastic L-System, we can generate simple vegetation consisting in branches and leaves
Kelp Leaf Mesh Generator
Casual Garage Coder
Simple mesh generator for a kelp-ish leaf
Orbit Cam
Casual Garage Coder
Simple orbit camera management script with zoom
Logging with severity and type
Logging that you can turn of or decide what severity or type you want to see
On-screen FPS (frames per second)
displays the current frames per second while running the game
Assert references of exported properties of a Node
This method helps you identify missing references in @export variables
Get children Nodes of specific Type
A type-safe method that will retrieve a child or children of specific Type.
Positioning a pointer to off-screen objects
Keith Jones
We show how to position an "edge of screen" pointer from a source position to an off-screen target position with vector calculations.
Basaltic Rock Mesh Generator
Casual Garage Coder
Generates a small shard of basaltic-like rock/crystal, with vertices and normals
Crystal Mesh Generator
Casual Garage Coder
Generates a crystal shard mesh with UVs and normals
2D Precision Platformer Controller
Platformer controller with coyote time, jump buffering, controller support, and more!
Blocky 3D Heightmap
Casual Garage Coder
Displays a simple heightmap using instanced meshes
Basic Health Component
Node-Based Health Composition
SequentialQueue class for serializing events using Callable
Allows a streamlined way to add and run a series of Callable in a first-in-first-out sequence as needed.
Mouse Drag Control
Casual Garage Coder
Stand-alone script for mouse drag management