class_name RTSCamera2D extends Camera2D @export_group("Zoom", "ZOOM_") # These control the maximum zoom in and out levels. This means a maximum zoom in of 2x and a zoom out of 100x (0.01) @export_range(0, 5, 0.01, "suffix:times", "hide_slider") var ZOOM_MAX: float = 2.0 @export_range(0, 5, 0.01, "suffix:times", "hide_slider") var ZOOM_MIN: float = 0.01 # Control how quickly we zoom in and out by a factor of @export_range(1, 10, 0.5) var ZOOM_SPEED: float = 2 @export_range(0, 2, 0.1, "suffix:seconds") var ZOOM_TWEEN_DURATION : float = 0.3 # Zoom X and Y should be uniform so we only take the X. # This controls our active zoom level for tweening var zoom_level = zoom.x var zoom_tween: Tween = null @export_group("Pan", "PAN_") # This controls how quickly we pan when using the keyboard (this scales based on zoom level). @export_range(2.5, 20, 5) var PAN_KEYBOARD_MOVEMENT_SPEED: float = 10.0 # This controls how quickly we lerp to the new location based on where the mouse is on zoom in @export var PAN_MOUSE_ZOOM_SPEED: float = 30.0 # What ratio of the mouse movement is translated into PAN movement? Increasing this increases the # sensitivity of the mouse movement (a smaller mouse movement results in a larger camera movement). @export_range(1, 5, 0.5, "suffix:ratio") var PAN_MOUSE_MOVEMENT_RATIO: float = 2.0 # Manage our mouse panning variables var PAN_MOUSE_ACTIVE: bool = false var PAN_MOUSE_POSITION: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO # Capture mouse click events func _input(event): # If we have a left mouse click and drag, we want to capture the relative movement so we can pan if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == 1: PAN_MOUSE_POSITION = get_global_mouse_position() PAN_MOUSE_ACTIVE = event.pressed elif event is InputEventMouseMotion: if PAN_MOUSE_ACTIVE: position += (PAN_MOUSE_POSITION - get_global_mouse_position()) * PAN_MOUSE_MOVEMENT_RATIO PAN_MOUSE_POSITION = get_global_mouse_position() func _physics_process(delta): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ZOOM_OUT") or Input.is_action_just_pressed("ZOOM_IN"): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ZOOM_OUT"): zoom_level = lerp(zoom_level, zoom_level / ZOOM_SPEED, delta * 20) elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("ZOOM_IN"): zoom_level = lerp(zoom_level, zoom_level * ZOOM_SPEED, delta * 20) # We limit the value between `min_zoom` and `max_zoom` zoom_level = clamp(zoom_level, ZOOM_MIN, ZOOM_MAX) # Then, we ask the tween node to animate the camera's `zoom` property from its current value # to the target zoom level. zoom_tween = create_tween() zoom_tween.tween_property( self, "zoom", Vector2(zoom_level, zoom_level), ZOOM_TWEEN_DURATION # Easing out means we start fast and slow down as we reach the target value. ).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT) # When we zoom in and out, we want to zoom centered on where the mouse pointer is. This # means shifting the view window towards the mouse position position = position.lerp(get_global_mouse_position(), delta * PAN_MOUSE_ZOOM_SPEED) # We also want to support window movement using the keyboard shortcuts var relative_pan: float = (PAN_KEYBOARD_MOVEMENT_SPEED * 100 / zoom_level) * delta if Input.is_action_pressed("UP"): position.y -= relative_pan if Input.is_action_pressed("DOWN"): position.y += relative_pan if Input.is_action_pressed("LEFT"): position.x -= relative_pan if Input.is_action_pressed("RIGHT"): position.x += relative_pan
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